Our Mass Schedule

Mass, Adoration & Confession

Monday through Saturday at 8:30am (Monday thru Friday-livestreamed).
Tuesdays - 8:30am Mass (except during the school year, Mass is at 7:45am)
Saturday-(Sunday vigil) at 5:00pm
Sunday-8:00am, 10:00am and 12 noon

Eucharistic Adoration- Thursdays after morning Mass until 7:00pm
Reconciliation is on Friday at 3:00pm and Saturday following morning Mass.
*No Confessions on Good Friday or Holy Saturday.

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Who We Are

St. Raphael Catholic Church is a faith-filled parish located in central Naperville. Through over 100 ministries we celebrate our faith, feed ourselves spiritually and reach out to those in need. We invite you to look through our website and visit our church.

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Grow in Faith


Become a part of our faith community and growing closer to Christ through the Holy Sacraments. Sacraments nourish and strengthen us as they express and build up our faith.

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Liturgical & Music Ministries

St. Raphael liturgies are uplifting and the music soars by both the congregation and the choirs. Children are also invited to join one of our three children’s choirs and lift their voices in praise of God.

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Capital Campaign

Celebrating 60 Years of Blessings

To all Parishioners,
Past, Present and Future, who continue to support the mission of Jesus Christ at the Parish of St. Raphael and all Her Sacraments. May God Bless you a hundredfold.
Fr. Dan

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Parish News

Bishop Hicks’ Monthly Column

The Gift of Imagination Whenever I fly, I frequently do three things. First, I always pray a rosary—that’s a given! Then, I catch up on some work or necessary reading.…Continue Reading…

Compass Caregivers Support Group Event-February 12

Being able to talk with others who truly understand what we are going through helps reduce stress, validates our experiences, and gives connection and support. You don’t have to go…Continue Reading…

Faith Breakfast-February 15

On Saturday, February 15 beginning with 8:30am Mass for a Faith Breakfast starting at 9:00am. Take a few hours for yourselves. Nourish your souls at Mass. Nourish your bodies with…Continue Reading…

RPM Events

What is RPM? The Acronym stands for Raphael Peer Ministry and meets on most Thursdays from 7-8:30 pm with the added opportunity to form small groups. RPM meetings are open…Continue Reading…

Nursery Needs Nursery Attendants

Our Nursery takes place in the Preschool Room for Children ages 9 moths to 3 years. This is a stipend position. If you would like to help out in the…Continue Reading…


Welcome to our next Senior Event: “Hidden Messages in Negro Spirituals on the Underground Railroad” Presented by: Connie Martin Time: 9:30 am-11:00 amLocation: St. Anne & Joachim Rm (formally Room…Continue Reading…

Steubenville Joliet Youth Conference Sign Up

We are thrilled to announce the ministry team for the 2025 Steubenville Youth Conference in Joliet! This year’s lineup features an incredible group of speakers, leaders, and musicians who are…Continue Reading…

RPM Monthly Adoration

On the first Thursday of the month from 7:00-7:30pm RPM Ministry will have adoration then a meeting after.

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Capital Campaign Update

Hi, please click here to read Fr Dan’s letter regarding an update to our capital campaign.

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No Envelope, No Problem!

If you would like to donate and forgot your envelope, we have several options. Most importantly, thank you for continued support and generosity!

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Baptismal Font in Narthex

As part of our capital campaign, we shared that the pipes under the baptismal flooring are cracked, and large amounts of dirt keep filtering in. This has been going on…Continue Reading…

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