Mass Times

Mass Times

Saturday: 8:30am & 5:00pm vigil

Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am & 12:00pm

Monday : 8:30am*

Tuesday: 8:30am* (except during the school year, Mass is at 7:45am in the Chapel)

Wednesday: 8:30am*

Thursday: 8:30am*

Friday: 8:30am*

: * Masses are live streamed


First Thursday of the month after morning mass until 7:00pm. Subsequent Thursdays until 7pm.

Contact the Parish Office at (630) 355-4545 for more information.


Friday: 3:00pm until all are heard

Saturday : immediately following morning mass

Good Friday and Holy Saturday: No Confessions

Private Prayer

The Church will be open daily till 6 pm for private prayer. (This will change if there is a funeral.)
