Baptismal Font in Narthex
As part of our capital campaign, we shared that the pipes under the baptismal flooring are cracked, and large amounts of dirt keep filtering in. This has been going on…Continue Reading…
Lenten Events
Below is our Lenten Schedule Weekday Masses during Lent Monday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday: 8:30am and 5:00pm Tuesday: 7:45am and 5:00pm Saturday: 8:30am Stations of the Cross Fridays: 7:00pm Taize Stations:…Continue Reading…
Men’s Lenten Retreat
Please join us on Saturday, April 5 after morning Mass for our Men’s Lenten Retreat. Father Dan is our guest Speaker on April 5 from 9:00am-11:00am The subject is Christian…Continue Reading…
Mural Showcase Video
A Gift of God’s Love for the St. Raphael Faith Community. Please click this video to watch the mural masterpiece come to life. Adela Vystejnova, donated her time, talent and…Continue Reading…
Baptismal Font in Narthex
As part of our capital campaign, we shared that the pipes under the baptismal flooring are cracked, and large amounts of dirt keep filtering in. This has been going on…Continue Reading…
Lenten Events
Below is our Lenten Schedule Weekday Masses during Lent Monday, Wednesday Thursday, Friday: 8:30am and 5:00pm Tuesday: 7:45am and 5:00pm Saturday: 8:30am Stations of the Cross Fridays: 7:00pm Taize Stations:…Continue Reading…
Men’s Lenten Retreat
Please join us on Saturday, April 5 after morning Mass for our Men’s Lenten Retreat. Father Dan is our guest Speaker on April 5 from 9:00am-11:00am The subject is Christian…Continue Reading…
Mural Showcase Video
A Gift of God’s Love for the St. Raphael Faith Community. Please click this video to watch the mural masterpiece come to life. Adela Vystejnova, donated her time, talent and…Continue Reading…
Baptismal Font in Narthex
As part of our capital campaign, we shared that the pipes under the baptismal flooring are cracked, and large amounts of dirt keep filtering in. This has been going on…Continue Reading…