Welcome to St. Raphael Catholic Church!
We are a family of believers, filled with gifts of the Holy Spirit, who live what we believe. We believe that Christ our Savior conquered sin and death, and founded His Church, the Holy Roman Catholic Church, through which He continues to minister to His people in Word and Sacrament. We are a community filled with gratitude for all the gifts God has given to us, and as a community exercise that same gift in our hospitality, exercising charity and faith in all our ministries and especially at our liturgies.
Saint Raphael is one of the largest parishes in the Diocese of Joliet, with an estimated 4200 families. We are proud of our school, preschool, and all the ministries associated with our identity as missionary disciples. Our aim is not only to give to God the praise and thanksgiving He is due, but also to strive to live as disciples and as people of prayer, who love one another as Christ has loved us.
Our faith has truly been tested during this pandemic, as we saw our parish close and then finally reopen to the faithful. It has been hard on us all, but we have worked overtime, trying to adapt to the changes due to the virus. We continue to stream our masses on our web page and find various ways to minister to our parishioners. At this time we will continue to adjust to whatever comes next, seeking to carry on the mission of Christ. Let us all remain united in our faith and prayer, as a community of healers, named after our patron St. Raphael the healer.
May God bless all the good people of St. Raphael, and may Our Lady, Mystical Rose, keep us all under the mantel of her protection.
Fr. Dan