Religious Education (grades 1 – 6)

Religious Education is a partnership between the family and the church. Our goal is to raise faith-filled children together. Formal faith formation begins in Grade 1. Classes are taught onsite. Preparation and celebration of First Reconciliation is held in the fall during 2nd grade. Celebration of First Holy Communion is held in the spring during 2nd grade. It is necessary to complete both Grade 1 and Grade 2 to receive Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. 

Youth Faith (grade 7)

7th Grade Faith Formation meets onsite at St. Raphael. The entire year is devoted to the Theology of the Body for Junior High Teens. The format for 7th grade is small group style with discussion questions, prayer, scripture, social components, video segments. 

Confirmation Program (grades 8 – 10)

Confirmation is a two-year program that starts at the beginning of 8thgrade. Students will receive the sacrament in the fall of their sophomore year. Students are placed in small groups, which will usually meet on Sundays in the home of the catechist.