Julie Frazier: Director of Music
“One who sings, prays twice.” St. Augustine
This is by far my absolute favorite saying, because music transcends what words sometimes can’t, and the ability to sing one’s prayer takes us to another level of dialogue with the Lord. Through the gift of music, we communicate alone and in community what every day of our lives should be, about giving thanks and praise to the God who loves us so much. In liturgy, that ‘full, conscience and active parti-cipation’ comes alive and music is a vehicle that can help us achieve a glimpse of the heavenly kingdom, the heavenly chorus of angels. When our choirs sing, instruments play, and hand bells ring, we become the extension of sung prayer where the assembly is the great chorus.
Come and join one of the many groups of singers and players to ‘pray twice’, the Divine Liturgy of our treasured traditions and rituals.