David Trondsen: Director of Adult Faith Formation
Twenty-eight years ago, I was blessed to join the Catholic Church through RCIA (OCIA), and have been a parishioner at St Raphael, with my wife Norene, since 1997.
After OCIA, I continued my faith education with a BA from DePaul University in Pastoral Care and Specialized Ministry, participated in structured, Catholic, formation through the Joliet Diocese and earned a Master of Divinity (MDiv) from Catholic Theological Union (CTU).
Participation in Parish engagements like – RCIA/OCIA as a catechist and sponsor, Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) as witness speaker and Spiritual Director, Cursillo, Lector, Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Minister, Parish Council, Liturgy and Service Ministry Councils, Creeds and many other opportunities helped me to build a wonderful community of friends who share and support my love of our faith.
I have engaged in community participation through volunteer work and employment at shelters and meal service facilities for the homeless, and many others struggling to cover even basic needs for their wellbeing. I am a Minister of Care to hospitals and the home-bound, provided faith sharing at DuPage County jail through JUST, and involvement with Knights of Columbus service projects helped me to continue forming my faith through the gift of service.
In my work as a Chaplain, I have served in hospitals, for years, ministering to those encountering high-acuity trauma events and elevated chronic issues. I have a background of guiding people through bereavement and providing grief support in hospice. And I have also specialized in accompanying those in behavioral health programs – guiding to relational improvement with self, others, and with God. All of these experiences have exposed me to God’s unfaltering, loving, and personal presence in all of life’s circumstances.
I promise you this – If your life is out of balance right now, with struggles, conflict, uncertainties or anxiety, turn to Jesus and He will make things better! If your life is in a good place, turn to Him and He will bring gifts beyond your imagination! And if you are already living a dream life, then turn to Jesus and He will make your life eternal!
I look forward to serving with the deeply faith filled community of St Raphael as we continue to turn to Jesus with our lives.
Grace and Peace,