Catechists Needed for 2024/2025… Why You?

Why You?

♦ You will grow in your own faith, learn the teachings of the Church, and deepen your relationship with Jesus.

♦ Your Baptism calls you to share in Jesus’ ministry.

♦ Children and teens in today’s world, more than ever, need to hear the Good News of Jesus.

♦ You have so much to share with those you’ll teach, and you’ll have opportunities to share your faith with other catechists.

♦ You’ll be helping our young Church deepen their relationship with Jesus.  

♦ It’s our job: Jesus sent us to “go and teach all nations.”


The role of the catechist is a vital ministry to the Church. It is a gift that has tremendous value to the world community at large. Through the catechist’s word and action, the message of Christ continues to have a place in all human affairs.


The primary goal of a catechist is to model God’s love to others. The primary requisite of a catechist is a love for God and a love for children. Our Catechists are provided lesson plans and materials to use in their classroom. The catechist passes on to students a set of shared meanings and values that are Catholic and Christian. A catechist also initiates others into the faith community, into its life, its worship, symbols and practices.


We are so blessed to have such an active and engaged community of parents, grandparents, and friends supporting our faith formation programs through volunteering. We welcome any person of the Catholic Faith who wishes to lead others to grow in faith and understanding the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This role is a vital ministry to the Church. It is a gift that has tremendous value to the world community at large. Through the catechist’s word and action, the message of Christ continues to have a place in all human affairs.

Feeling Called?

If you are feeling called to give your time and talent but want to know more about what is involved, please contact Michele Kmety at 630-615-7642 or

We have openings in 1st grade through 8th grade

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