SK Gene Sullivan Grand Knight: genesullivan@comcast.net

Who are the Knights?
The modern Knights of Columbus is a service organization that provides an outlet for its members to better serve their church, country, and community. We participate in charitable works, raising money and providing effort for groups in need throughout our communities. We provide social fellowship, reinforcing our beliefs and strengthening the ties between families and friends. It is our great privilege to serve and augment the activities of our parish and the church as a whole. And we provide support for those members who may find themselves in need, especially through our long standing and excellent insurance program.

Why Become a Knight?
Imagine being part of an organization that fills your heart and your mind with the joy of giving to others and the feeling that comes with making a difference. Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age or older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their church. Being a Knight is more than camaraderie; it is being involved with your community; it is supporting your local Catholic Church, while enhancing your own faith; it is about protecting and enhancing your family life.

History of the Knights
On Oct. 2, 1881, a small group of men met in the basement of St. Mary’s Church on Hillhouse Avenue in New Haven, Connecticut. Called together by their 29-year-old parish priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, these men formed a fraternal society that would one day become the world’s largest Catholic family fraternal service organization. They sought strength in solidarity, and security through unity of purpose and devotion to a holy cause: they vowed to be defenders of their country, their families and their faith. These men were bound together by the ideal of Christopher Columbus, the discoverer of the Americas, the one whose hand brought Christianity to the New World. Their efforts came to fruition with the incorporation of the Knights of Columbus on March 29, 1882. They were Knights of Columbus.
The Order has been called “the strong right arm of the Church,” and has been praised by popes, presidents and other world leaders, for support of the Church, programs of evangelization and Catholic education, civic involvement and aid to those in need.

Some of our Programs & Activities
- Adopt-A-Highway
- Adopt a Seminarian (RSVP)
- Blood Drives
- Breakfast with Santa
- Fundraisers
- Lenten Fish Fry
- Local Parade Participation
- Men’s Nights Out
- Pro-Life Activities
- … plus much more!
Knights of Columbus Council #14171
• Business Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of the month
• Officers’ Meetings: 4th Tuesday of the month