St. Vincent de Paul Society
The purpose of St.Vincent de Paul is the spiritual growth and development of its members by offering person-to-person service to the poor. St. Vincent de Paul works within the parish boundaries of St. Raphael; referring requests from outside our boundaries to the caller’s parish.
The St. Vincent de Paul Conference at St. Raphael oversees the disbursement of funds (made available from the 60% portion of our 5% parish tithe, or 3% of Sunday collections excluding Easter) to individuals in need of assistance. The needs addressed by the members of St. Vincent de Paul can include illness, disability, or job loss resulting in a loss of family income. The aim of St. Vincent de Paul is to bring social justice and the friendship of true charity to all those in need. This is accomplished by ongoing spiritual development, serving those who come to St. Raphael in need, and a regular meeting where the contacts of members are shared, discussed and prayed for.
Members of this ministry also host a yearly clothing and small household goods collection to benefit area St. Vincent de Paul resale shops. Others make home visits to those who require rent, utility, furniture, or clothing assistance.
Time Commitment: Varies
Contact: Barry O’Donnell at (630) 615-7613 or