Parish Pastoral Council

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC)

The Parish Pastoral Council is the coordinating and unifying structure of the parish community. It strives to be the means of attaining full participation by the whole parish in achieving the parish mission by giving all a voice in encouraging, guiding, and directing the various aspects of parish life. In addition to our pastor and associate pastor, the Pastoral Council includes a representative from each commission and three at-large members. Discernment for new members occurs in the spring.

Pastoral Council meetings are held on the second Monday of every month in Room 167. All are welcome to attend.

The PPC welcomes your thoughts, questions and concerns. Contact the PPC Executive Committee via email:

Parish Commissions

The ministries of St. Raphael are grouped into six categories:

  • Adult Faith Formation
  • Liturgical Life
  • School
  • Religious Education (Grade 1 – 8)
  • Youth Ministry Commission (High School)
  • Service Ministry and Pastoral Care
  • Administration and Planning