Online Learning – VLCFF

Empower yourself with knowledge of your faith!  Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation(VLCFF) is a growing initiative to offer adult religious education and faith formation anytime and anywhere via the internet. It is an internet based distance learning initiative which supports adult faith, lay ecclesial ministry and catechetical formation of the Church. The VLCFF is coordinated and sponsored by the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at the University of Dayton. Its goal is to support the church’s professional ministry of religious education and faith formation in cyberspace.

Have you ever wanted to take courses to learn more about your Catholic Faith but did not have the time or know where to go? Have you ever thought about taking an internet class? As members of the Joliet Diocese, there is a wonderful opportunity for learning open to us.

Topics Include:  Catechesis — Catholic Doctrine — Church History — Liturgy — Sacraments — Prayer — Scripture

5 Week Courses $40
3 Week Seminars $30

To explore the course offerings and registration dates, please go directly to the VLCFF website: 

Contact: Kurt Lange at (630) 615-7607 or