
Lectors/Commentators (Adults and High School Students)
Must possess a love and respect for the scriptures and be gifted with public-speaking skills. Lectors proclaim the scripture readings, read the Opening Comment, Penitential Rite and Announcements, etc.

Initial Training: Two 2 hour sessions required

Ongoing Formation: Attendance at 1 – 2 workshops per year & practice at home before reading.

Time Commitment: Serve 1 -2 times per month.

Great site for Lectors!  www.lectorprep.org

Lectors/Commentators  (Children)
Children in grades 3-8 gifted with public-speaking skills who possess a love and respect for the scriptures.

Initial training provided

Ongoing Formation: Required monthly sessions to review skills and practice on the microphones (Sept – April)

Time Commitment: Serve a few times a year at some 9:00am and 12:30pm Sunday Masses, special
liturgies, Sacramental celebrations, prayer services and certain parish events.

Contact: Deacon Len Penkala at (630) 615-7616 or lpenkala@st-raphael.com