Catholics Reflecting Experiencing Evangelizing Declaring Scripture

2023/2024 CREEDS SCRIPTURE STUDY-Registration due 8/31
Topic The Gospel of St. Luke, the Physician
CREEDS is a parish wide bible study designed to meet the spiritual hunger of both beginners and veterans. The 2023 – 2024 CREEDS scripture study will be an in-depth look at the gospel of Saint Luke. We will discover the Holy Spirit’s activity, gain perspective on women’s influence at the time of Luke’s writing and learn how women and men work together to share the good news of all they experienced in the person of Jesus Christ.
For the first time, CREEDS will be using the Little Rock Catholic Bible Study Program to enhance our weekly sessions. The Little Rock program incorporates well-respected scripture scholars to provide weekly commentary and thought-provoking discussion questions as well as access to online lectures. Fr. Robert Carroll, O.Carm, Ph.D. will also be leading us through his annotated insights of St. Luke’s gospel in preparation for the following week’s small group discussions.
Whether this is your first-time studying scripture, or you are a seasoned veteran, CREEDS will enhance your faith life in wonderful ways through prayer, individual study, small group discussion and large group presentation. Fr. Bob Carroll is the lecturer for CREEDS and welcomes active participation at the weekly meetings.
The 2023 study will begin on Wednesday, September 20 and will continue through April 24, 2024, Participants choose to attend either the morning session from 9:30-11:30am or the evening session from 7:00-9:00pm on Wednesdays.
Registration Information: Due August 31st Directions: When you click the registration link you will see that you can also pay for the registration fee. A separate tab will open to pay the $100.00 registration fee. The total cost for the 24-week program is $100; our basic $75 registration fee plus an additional $25 to cover the cost of the Little Rock resources at a discounted group rate. If you prefer, you can fill out the form, submit and then go to the registration link after. If you prefer to fill out a paper registration form, there are copies at the church office at the front desk.
Contact: If you have questions or concerns, please call Luanne Roth at (630) 229-1876.