Boy Scouts
Troop 510 was chartered in 1965 to St. Raphael Church in Naperville, IL. The troop has over 70 active scouts, who range in age from 11-17, holding ranks from Tenderfoot up through Eagle. Over 50 scouts have made Eagle since 1965. Active first year scouts will achieve First Class within one year of joining. You do not have to be a parishioner or catholic to belong to boy scouts.
The Troop holds weekly troop meetings and monthly troop campouts year round, and holds Court of Honor awards ceremonies four times a year. Every summer the troop spends a full week at BSA Camp Owasippe Summer Camp in northern Michigan. The troop offers High Adventure programs for older scouts such as Philmont, Sea Base, Boundary Waters, and a special program for third year scouts in West Virginia (activities include whitewater rafting, mountain biking, horseback riding, rock climbing).
The troop’s active merit badge program is led by the troop’s many merit badge counselors. Via the effective fund-raising program that provides for excellent equipment and activities, Scouts can pay for summer camp fees and personal gear by earning “scout credit” during fundraisers. The troop sponsors Service Projects throughout the year at many community locations.