
What is Cursillo?  
Cursillo is an opportunity to form and live in community with other Catholics and clergy members. It is immersed in Catholic Doctrine and the Sacraments. Cursillo is patterned on Jesus’ own example. He searched out and welcomed a small group of disciples, trained them by word and example and inspired them with a vision. He linked them together and sent them out into the world to bring the world to Him

The goal of Cursillo is the goal of the Church: to welcome and bring all to the Christ. Cursillo helps to renew and deepen Christian commitment. Many people have said Cursillo provides an important learning experience which causes them to feel like newly made Christians with a purpose and with support.

During this period, sponsors (i.e. those individuals that have been to the three-day Cursillo weekend and are living the Fourth Day) identify those Catholics who are leading an active Christian life and are a living witness to their love for Christ, recommending their candidacy. Potential candidates are welcomed to learn more about Cursillo and even invited to join a small group before actually attending a weekend. It is also the period that selected candidates are informed of what to expect at the three-day weekend and assist in appropriate preparations.

Are there Cursillo Secrets?
  You may have been told by some who have attended the weekend that they cannot tell you what Cursillo is all about or what goes on during a Cursillo weekend. This is not correct. Everything that goes on during the weekend may be told to anyone. Cursillo literature is available to anyone who wishes to read or purchase the materials.

Dates:  Vary based on Diocesan schedule

Time Commitment:   An overnight weekend retreat beginning on a Thursday evening and ending on Sunday evening. You stay at the retreat center for the entire weekend. Meals and snacks are provided.

More Information about Cursillo and to see upcoming retreat dates visit

Contact: Denzil Rogers