Christmas Sharing
St. Raphael’s Annual Christmas Sharing Program provides an opportunity for parishioners to help needy families and individuals in our community.
There are three ways to participate:
Adopt-A-Family – Thank you for your generosity and support for the Christmas in Jamaica Toy Donation Project this past September. The Adopt A Family Program will be on hold for 2024 and should return in 2025. A parish family or group sponsors a needy family by purchasing gifts for each child in the family. Families of all sizes are available for adoption. Each family provides a gift “wish list.” Sponsor families or parish groups should call Kathy Ford at 630-615-7613, in early November to be assigned an adoptive family.
“Giving Tree” gifts – Tags are available on the trees in the Church Narthex. Parishioners may select a tag from the tree in late November (Thanksgiving weekend). On the back of each tag is a gift item to be purchased.
Gift Cards for Good Campaign –For 3 consecutive weekends beginning Thanksgiving weekend, sales of gift cards will take place in the Founder’s Room. St. Raphael Catholic School will receive a percentage of every dollar spent on gift cards. That percentage varies by gift card. To look at the list of gift cards available and their contribution back to us please go to: and click on “Brands” for the latest list. Gift card requests from ornaments from the Giving Tree may also be purchased at this time.
Contact: Kathy Ford at (630) 615-7613 or