Online Donations
Interested in donating to St. Raphael right now? Click the button to below to easily donate online. Online giving allows you to make contributions without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. Through this link, you can set up automatic contributions and manage the timing and amount of your gift. You can also make pledges and manage your contributions to the pledge amount. You can also make one-time donations to special causes.
Open your camera app on your phone, hold the phone in front of the picture and you will be able to open the OSV link to donate.

Weekly Envelopes
Weekly envelopes are sent to parishioner homes on a monthly basis. Your contributions are used to establish the yearly operating budget of the parish.
If you are interested in becoming a registered parishioner and begin receiving your envelopes, please click here.

Automatic Debits or Charges
Did you know you can make your weekly contribution via an automatic electronic fund transfer from your bank account? You may also have an automatic charge to your credit card.
Business Manager, Marian Johnston 630-615-7605.

Directed Gifts
If you would like to support a certain project or program, you may donate a Directed Gift, also called a restricted gift, at any time. This donation will be held in a special fund and only used for the purpose you intended.
If you would like to make a Directed Gift Donation, please contact our Business Manager.
Business Manager, Marian Johnston 630-615-7605.

Memorial Gifts
A Memorial Gift is a thoughtful way to mark a special occasion or to honor the memory of a relative or friend.
To make a memorial gift, contact our Business Manager.
Business Manager, Marian Johnston 630-615-7605.

Tuition Angels
St. Raphael often receives requests from our parish families for assistance with school tuition or religious education/ youth ministries fees. Assistance is given based on financial need.
If you believe in Catholic Education and would like to sponsor a student or family by being a tuition angel, please contact our Business Manager.
Business Manager, Marian Johnston 630-615-7605.

Planned Giving
Over the past years many parishioners and friends have left legacies to St. Raphael. Their financial gifts – both large and small – have made an incalculable difference in the lives of those who worship at St. Raphael. These gifts have supported every part of our ministry – from our social outreach programs, spiritual formation, and the preservation of our Church and grounds. Their legacy has become a part of St. Raphael’s legacy!
View the file below to learn more.
Business Manager, Marian Johnston 630-615-7605.