Parishioners visit the homebound, those in hospitals, and those in nursing homes to pray with them, share the Eucharist, and to serve as a listening presence. All pastoral care ministers complete a 5 hour training through the parish. Parish priests are also available for the Sacraments of Anointing the Sick, and Reconciliation.
Home Visitation
Parishioners who are trained Ministers of Care visit the homebound to pray with them, share the Eucharist and serve as a listening presence.
Hospital Ministry
Parishioners visit the homebound, those in hospitals, and those in nursing homes to pray and share the Eucharist, and to serve as a listening presence. All Ministers of Care complete training on-site at St. Raphael Catholic Church. Our parish priests are also available for the Sacraments of Anointing the Sick, and Reconciliation.

Nursing Home Ministry
Parishioners who are trained Ministers of Care bring comfort and reassurance to Catholics at Edward Hospital by talking, listening, praying, and sharing the Eucharist. These ministers visit on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week from a confirmed list of Catholics who want the Eucharist (other days are covered by other Naperville parishes). Ministers visit the hospital at their convenience during the hospital’s regular visiting hours.
Kathy Ford at (630) 615-7613 or