“Take a constant interest in the needs of God’s beloved people and respond by helping them. And eagerly welcome people as guests into your home.”
Romans 12:13 TPT
Our usher/greeters can sign up for service as an individual or as a family. They are gracious and hospitable, love to smile and talk with people. You will arrive 20-30 minutes before Mass to ensure that all is ready. Duties include reserving pews, greeting people at the door, seating people, keeping the communion procession orderly, taking up the collection, choosing individuals to take up the gifts, passing out bulletins, warmly bidding farewell to parishioners, and making sure the church is ready for the next Mass. This ministry truly carries out Jesus’s command to “Welcome the stranger.”

Initial Training: One two hour session.
Ongoing Formation: Annual workshop expected
Time Commitment: Serve about twice a month
Deacon Len Penkala at (630) 615-7616 or lpenkala@st-raphael.com