“Just as the term Church refers to the living temple, God’s people, the term church also has been used to describe “the building in which the Christian community gathers to hear the word of God, to pray together, to receive the sacraments, and celebrate the Eucharist.” That building is both the house of God on earth (domus Dei) and a house fit for the prayers of the saints (domus ecclesiae). Such a house of prayer must be expressive of the presence of God and suited for the celebration of the sacrifice of Christ, as well as reflective of the community that celebrates there.”
Built of Living Stones

Our art and environment seasonal decorators work closely with our clergy to create a worship space worthy of our Liturgy. Members are expected to have or develop an understanding of liturgical art, the liturgical seasons, and the principles of liturgical decoration. “…Artists of every discipline, are called to shine beauty especially where darkness of gray dominates everyday life. They ‘are the custodians of beauty, heralds and witnesses of hope for humanity.’” – Pope Francis
Time Commitment: Called as needed.
Deacon Len Penkala at (630) 615-7616 or lpenkala@st-raphael.com